Schnoodles Are Smart, Playful, and Loveable
The personality of the Schnoodle combines the most endearing traits of the Poodle with the best characteristics of the Schnauzer. Schnoodles have a wonderful temperament, are very smart, loyal, and make excellent pets. They love toys and live for play-time. They prefer a family environment and a lot of attention—at times, they’ll even demand attention! If you lead a busy life and don’t have a lot of time to devote to your pet, the Schnoodle is not the pet for you.

They Don’t Shed
Neither Poodles nor Schnauzers shed, which makes the Schnoodle a natural non-shedder. Because Schnoodles don’t shed, they make excellent pets for anyone that suffers from allergies. Schnoodles typically have curly or wavy hair that is kept at one length. Grooming your Schnoodle regularly is important; you can either take your Schnoodle to a professional groomer, or learn how to do it yourself.
They’re Easy to Train
Because they’re very smart and natural “people pleasers,” most Schnoodles are easy to train. Of course, as with all dogs, it takes time and consistency to teach them right from wrong. Schnoodles can also be trained to participate in a variety of dog sports, such as agility, obedience, and flyball. Some Schnoodles have also become certified therapy dogs, visiting the elderly and the sick to bring a little comfort and cheer.
They’re Inside Dogs
Because of their lightweight coats and small stature, Schnoodles should live indoors. But they love being outside, whether for a nap in the sunshine or a romp in the snow. In cold weather, a good rule of thumb is: “If you need a coat, so does your Schnoodle.” Leaving the fur coat a little longer for cool weather will also help your Schnoodle stay warm and healthy.
What One Family Has to Say
This is a letter we received about Cali, a pup who was adopted by the Patton family.
Dear Pierce Schnoodles,We just wanted to write and let you know that Cali is the BEST dog we’ve ever had. She plays with toys like a kitten, pouncing on them and shaking them vigorously. We keep saying, “She is so dog-gone cute!” (And she is!) She’s so smart, too. She hasn’t had a single accident in the house. And at night, she sleeps in the closed crate very well. She is already giving us lots of reasons to smile; we love her immensely. Adopting Cali was a good move for the Patton family! Thank you for everything.
Size Matters
While Schnoodles come in all sizes, our Schnoodles are just the right size to fit in your lap. Since our Schnoodles are created by breeding a Toy Poodle with a Miniature Schnauzer, they average 15 pounds and 9 to 13 inches high (at the shoulder) when full grown.
Personality Plus
We believe that the Schnoodle inherits the best characteristics of the Schnauzer and the most endearing traits of the Poodle. The Schnauzer is sturdy and solid and can be somewhat stubborn and independent. The Poodle is very smart, agile, and active. By mixing the two together, the Poodle’s high-energy traits are mellowed and the Schnauzer’s stubbornness becomes less prominent. The Schnoodle retains the loyalty of the Schnauzer and fun-loving playfulness of the Poodle. Schnoodle owners will tell you that their pets exhibit the “best” of both breeds!
A World of Colors
Schnoodles come in all colors, including:
- Black
- White
- Sable (brown with black)
- Cream
- Silver
- Tan
- Brindle
- Apricot
- Black and tan
- Black and silver
- Salt and pepper
We breed our pups using a male Poodle and a female Schnauzer. Our pups come in an array of various colors.
A Mixed Breed
We strongly believe that no one should breed a Schnoodle with another Schnoodle. The Schnoodle is, technically, a mixed breed; subsequent breeding of the Schnoodle means that the ‘pureness’ of the Schnoodle is lost. Those who adopt our pups are required to sign a statement of agreement that they’ll spay or neuter the pup at the appropriate time. We do this to preserve the health of the pups and the lineage of the Schnoodle.