All puppies from this litter have sold, thank you! Please check our Facebook page for going home pictures.
Rikka’s mini-schnoodle female baby with a GREEN COLLAR. Her name is Ellie and she will become a new member of the Moll family in NC. The kids are very excited about a new puppy. They all love the outdoors and soccer, parks and water activities. The pup will love all the activity.
This is (RED COLLAR) – male named Rocco and will be going to IN to become a member of the Grimm family. Rocco will join the family and become a buddy of Champ the maltipoo. Whether it is a long walk, chasing the ball or drives with the wind blowing Rocco will sure to be loved and will love being a part of the Grimm family.
Female (white collar) will become a member of the Morrison family and her name is Bailee. The Morrison family lives in NC and will be taking a summer break from teaching so Bailey will get lots of attention and training for the summer. She will be the highlight and love all the attention!
Female sold to the Sidewater family in NY. They know a family there that owns Min another Pierce Schnoodle (also a Rikka pup too!) So they are somewhat cousins, her name will be Trixie – so, Min & Trixie for the Sidewater family. The family has 3 children and they are very excited about this new puppy. They love to walk the big city (who doesn’t?) – NYC is great! Hanging out and movies is a great pass time. This little pup will fit right in.
Yellow Collar Female sold to the Sawmiller family in MI. Her name is Lulu. They are empty nesters so need a little one to nuture. They are active with friends and family and they are looking forward to this little girl joining their family.
This male mini-schnoodle (Blue-Collar) sold to the Stavis family in New York and is named Miles. He has a great white face with a touch of apricot from daddy, Kasey. A nice white blaze. The family loves walks and parks and the pup will enjoy the outside fun of NY.
This female puppy, is named Maggie and will become part of the Riter family in North Carolina. The family is retired and they love outdoors and gardening. Maggie will get lots of attention and love! The Riter family knows 2 other families that have Pierce Schnoodles so maybe one day a schnoodle party may happen!
Rikka’s pups are growing! Eyes are starting to open and moving around. Rikka is being an excellent momma! Males and females available. These pups will be ready mid-May. Apply today!
Daisy Schaaf says
Mommy Rikka,
I want to wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day. I am so very grateful for all the attributes I received from you, especially my incredibly soft hair. I also want to thank you for allowing me to have my forever home with the Schaaf family. Maureen is the best human mom ever, and I love Mary my Nanny so very much.
7/19/09 litter