A N N O U N C E M E N T :: Nittany had 7 puppies July 5th! 3 girls & 4 boys.
A V A I L A B L E :: 1 boy
The only 1 left not sold is little red collar. I have named him Spike! He is totally cute, acts like he is a big puppy but he is small and just totally loves to cuddle on the couch with us. He is ready for a great family to love (no real young children please). Apply today!
A D O P T E D :: Please check our Facebook page for going home pictures.
Dark brindle female is sold to the Bernardino family in NC. The 3 girls (kids) in the family along with mom will totally outnumber dad! Her name is Bella. The family enjoys family time, volleyball and swimming. Bella will enjoy all the personal attention.
Blue Collar: Little black boy with white blaze/feet of Nittany’s with blue collar is sold to the Reuter family. (They are related to the Reuter family that is adopting his brother Oliver). They will get to spend 2 days a week together – what fun! All kids are grown so this little fella will be the new baby in the house! They love to walk, hike and swim. This little guy will be a great addition to the family!
Meet Rucker who is the brindle male of Nittany’s litter. He will become the newest member of the Coverdale family in SC. The 2 new masters (girl and boy) are very excited and have been dreaming of a new pup for 3 years. They love to travel and other adventures so they are looking for Rucker to travel along with them.
The Reuter family is getting the black/silver male pup of Nittany’s. They already have a white Pierce Schnoodle that needs a playmate. They are from MD and enjoy family activities, hiking and bike riding. This pup will love to become part of the family.
The Muise family from NC is adopting the light brindle female of Nittany’s litter. The split time between the beach and home so the pup will get used to playing on the beach. The girls will enjoy the new addition and the new little companion to snuggle with.
The Gilliland family of NC is adopting the Black and white female with 3 white paws of Nittany’s litter, her name is Cassie Gilliland. A boy of 7 is really excited about a new pup. They love outdoor and indoor activities and yard time too. This little girl pup will enjoy the activity too.
P U P P Y P I C T U R E S ::
Melonie Villnave says
Do you have any more recent photos of the female puppies? I lost my shadow in September and I just started looking at puppies..I was told she was a westiepoo but looking at your website I think she was a schnoodle she was the most loving sweetest dog ever. If you could let me know if any of the females are still available and if so could you send me some pictures?
dickfrum says
At the top of this page it states 1 male available. Is that current? Is there a picture? As I read the previous page you have an April litter coming for adoption in May which is most likely what we would be interest in subject to the forgoing..