Sasha’s babies were born on 7/5/2015. She had 7 beauties 4 girls, 3 boys!! She gave us one parti colored pup in this litter. She carries that gene also.
This handsome fella Bonzo (red collar) is joining the Fabulich family in VA. The 2 boys are anxious for their new pup! Time at home and in the yard, hiking and soccer keeps the family busy and he will fit right in and love it all!
This little guy (orange collar) is joining the Palladino family of VA as the newest member! His name is Gabriel! With no kids, he will all the attention. The family loves outdoor activities, walking, family time and TV. Gabriel will be loving it all!
This cute fella Franklin (blue collar) is joining the Mosley family in NJ. The 2 children (boy and girl) are excited about the new addition. They all enjoy walking, biking, going to the lake and beach. Activities and fun time will be enjoyed by all with their new pup!
This little girl (yellow collar) is joining the Perryman family of NC. Since they live not too far away they have been able to visit their pup and all the other 4 legged babies at the Pierce Schnoodle household! Her name is Mazie. The pup will be the ‘new kid’ in the house and get a lot of attention. The grandchildren are very excited too about the new addition. Family activities are walking, hiking and travel – Mazie will love all that!
This little girl (white collar) will become a member of the Reifsnyder family of PA. They have a schnoodle and a poodle so this little girl will have someone to play with! Her name will be determined when she sees her – just can’t decide yet! With all the kids grown, the days are filled with doggy duties and fun stuff and of course the grandchildren too!
This pup is Sasha’s only parti pup and a little girl Harley (pink collar). She is joining the Biddix-Smith family from SC. Her 2 friends at home are a Great Dane & a Beagle. Walking is the big family activity so this little one will join right in.
This little girl (green collar) is becoming a new member of the Fickett family in NJ. Her name is Charlotte. This little gal will be the only dog, but have 2 cats as buddies. She will get to go to work with her new mom and might even become a therapy dog – schnoodles make great therapy dogs!
Puppy pictures: