All puppies have been sold, thank you!
Renee’s pick of the litter, her name is Christy and was adopted by the Darrah family, she is tagged as Red Hearts Collar. Lots of play time and walks with outside activities. She will love all that.
This is Mookie Green Hearts Collar – Harris family.
This is Benny Utt. He will be living in NC with his forever home and new family. He is tagged as Blue Hearts Collar. As an only pet and only child he will get all the attention! The family loves to be outside, the beach and go on hikes. He will love all that.
This little girl will be going all the way to MA as her forever home with the Weiskopf family, her name is Luna. The family is excited and ready for their new fur baby! The 2 boys will enjoy a new play mate. The family loves walks and biking and spending time together. Purple Hearts Collar.
This little girl is tagged as Brown Hearts collar and will be going to VA as her forever home with the Collins family. She is the light apricot puppy. The family of 4 – kids 1 girl 1 boy are all super excited. The kids play soccer and the family walks a lot, likes to cook and hang out. This little pup will love all the time and attention.
This is the White pup and she will be going to VA as her forever home. She is named Ginger & tagged as Pink Hearts Collar. She is the darker apricot female puppy. Her new master will be a young boy that is very excited about a new puppy. The family loves to go on walks, cook, stay home and have family time. This little girl is a calm, sweet one that will fit right in.
This is Orange Hearts Collar and this little girl will be living in NC with the Smith family, her name is Bailey. Being an only doggie she will get all the attention. The family loves to go to the lake, go for walks, the beach and grilling out. She will join right in on the family festivities.
Leah had her babies May 20th – 7 beautiful pups! A mix of colors like her last litter. Have not investigated male/female mix. They are all warm, nursing and doing well. She is tired and resting well and being a great mom.
Marci Powell says
Do you have teacup snoodles? any females for pet only
Renee Sweeley says
We do not breed teacup schnoodles. Mini and giants only.
jerry jefferson says
how much are the male snoodles