SOLD – LIME GREEN COLLAR on green towel. She is medium size in the litter. She has a little white on her chin and a white blaze. Very sweet!
SOLD – RED COLLAR Name to be determined. This guy went home with the Torres family to NY. He will love the park, lots of love and attention.
SOLD – WHITE COLLAR on the Raspberry/Purple Stripe towel. He is the largest in the litter. So I would project high teens possible 20’ish. He is a chunk of sweetness! Loves to be held and is just so handsome! He has a large white blaze as well which just adds to his beauty!
SOLD – NAVY COLLAR male on navy towel from Abby/Zack’s litter. He is very handsome. Middle size in the litter. Beautiful white blaze on chest.
SOLD – DARK GREEN COLLAR female of Abby’s. She is going to live with the LARSON family from PA as her forever home. Retired family will have lots of time for love, time and attention. She will be a member of the family.
SOLD – GREY COLLAR Male on the Turtle Towel of Abby’s litter. His forever home will be with the FROHRING family in FL. They are very excited as the grandchildren are to be getting a new furry baby! They are retired so this little guy will get lots of attention and lap time. Fishing, swimming and family time will keep this fella entertained. His name is LUKE.
SOLD – PURPLE COLLAR. Misty goes home with the Tublitz family and Ms. Jolie. Jolie retired and they adopted her and now adding a pup to the family.
Abby phoebes pups outside for fresh air and playtime.
Growing already! Tails docked, dew claws removed and initial vet visit all went well.
Abby’s puppies are here! Abby had 7 gorgeous babies on May 31st. They are all doing great. All basically the same size at birth. 4 boys 3 girls at first count. Abby took birth in stride like usual. She is a great mommy. Pups are shiny black with some brilliant white on chests in various sizes. Zack is the proud daddy. Pups ready end of July.
Abby waiting for babies any time now.
linda frohring says
Has abby had her babies?
schnoodle admin says
Hi Linda, I apologize our internet is down and should be fixed by Monday 6/3. Babies are coming and will update soon!
linda frohring says
the babies are born? Can you tell me about them?
Linda Frohring says
Please let me know about her puppies. Thank you.
linda frohring says
Please get in touch with me. I put an application in. Can I get a male from Abby’s litter?
Phoebe’s litter?
Tamara Erway says
Are all of Abby’s pending pups spoken for?
schnoodle admin says
Hi Tamara, I apologize our internet is down and should be fixed by Monday 6/3. Babies are coming and will update soon!
Genevieve Dyson says
Hi there
I’ve submitted an application last week and I’m interested in one of Abby’s , Penny’s or Leah’s puppies. I’m wondering how can I put a deposit and be put on the waitlist ? Thanks
Tamara Erway says
I have sent an e-mail and tried to call need to know about putting a deposit down for one of the upcoming babies 🙂
linda Frohring says
Any updated pictures on Abby’s litter? Dying to see how these babies have grown!
linda frohring says
thanks for the update… adorable!!!!
Rebecca L Powers says
Instead of Penny’s puppies. I would love to adopt one of abby’s puppies a girl but I will send the $100 to u tonight when I get off work.
linda Frohring says
Puppys so adorable. Any single pictures of the pups that we can see their faces?
Thank you