All of Queen Sheba’s puppies have been sold – thank you!
SOLD – BLUE COLLAR This handsome fella is a mini schnoodle, male, parti pup that is available! He has been to the Vet with first shots and is crate trained and doing great with house breaking. 13 weeks old. What a great sweet puppy!
SOLD – TAN COLLAR on pink towel. Cool white patch on the top of her head! She is medium size in the litter. So sweet!
SOLD – GREEN COLLAR on the solid green throw. Queen Sheba’s female. Nice size, sweet, calm. Cool markings on her face!
SOLD – BLACK COLLAR FEMALE ON RED THROW. Sheba pup Medium size girl, silky coat. Just lovely markings!
SOLD – YELLOW COLLAR on Navy solid throw. She is a sweet one. Smaller size in the litter. More white and a neat black spot for her parti marking!
SOLD – PURPLE COLLAR on purple throw. Beautiful girl! Great fur coat, sweet gentle. Nice size girl, on the slightly larger end of the litter.
SOLD – ORANGE COLLAR Runt. She is small and just a little doll puppy. A lot of black on her, just a baby sweetie!
SOLD – RED WHITE & BLUE COLLAR. Only one since Renee is keeping the other one. He is lovely and oh so handsome!
Queen Sheba’s boys.
Wednesday 6-19 Queen Sheba gave birth to beautiful parti babies! All are doing great.
Doris D. Jelley says
I love Queen Shebas parti babies. Can’t wait to pick mine out!
Talmage Brown says
Save acute, energetic male for me
Renee Sweeley says
I have searched my email for your name.
I do not locate any. I don’t see an application
nor a deposit to secure a pup.
If you want a pup, please submit the application.
Mariann Weaver says
Mariann Weaver I would like a female from Queen Sheba’s Litter. Renee I spoke to you right before the holiday. I live in Zionsville Indiana. My husband already filled out the application. We are just waiting on your approval. Then we can pay deposit. Your dogs and puppies are beautiful.