All of Raquel’s puppies have been sold, thank you!
SOLD – GREEN COLLAR Female – This sweetie is a cute one! Very personable. She is beautiful black with white blaze and rear white feet.
SOLD – ORANGE COLLAR Female. This girl is the biggest in the litter! Very large laid back female, gorgeous brindle colorings.
SOLD – PINK COLLAR Female. This female giant of Raquel’s is beautiful. She has awesome apricot Markings – eyebrows, legs and tail area. She is lovely.
SOLD – PEACH COLLAR Ahern family is adoption Peach Collar, her name is Stella. They live in NC. Family likes to hike, walk, lots of time outside and lots of loving. She will love all that. Medium size, sweetheart- does not like to pose for camera at this age.
SOLD – BLACK COLLAR Casper family of NC, her name is Katie. She is the new best friend of Mom’s. All black pup, couple white hairs, smaller size in litter. Sweet baby girl!
SOLD – PURPLE COLLAR Dudlin family in NC. Currently on sabbatical she will get to spend alot of time bonding with the new baby. Her name is Cagna. She is shiny black with a white blaze. Sweet, loving girl.
SOLD – LIGHT BLUE COLLAR Male. His name is Howard and he will be making his forever home with the Foltz family in Texas! And family loves to swim, visit friends and the park. He will enjoy all that.
SOLD – BROWN COLLAR Male. Remy Lopez. The Lopez family of NC are very excited about the new giant schnoodle named Remy. Kids, mom, dad and grandma are all planning a wonderful time with him. They love to be active, walking, cooking, gardening and cuddle time. He will love this as his forever home! The kids loving on pup after they selected brown collar as their new puppy. A few short weeks and they can come take him home!
SOLD – RED COLLAR Female. Named Daisy went home with the Flynn family to NC. Boating, water time and playing on island and yard or friends with a farm, This girl will be sure to enjoy all the activity!
SOLD – NAVY COLLAR Male. This is Milo, a Raquel giant Schnoodle that will be making his forever home with the Walker family in NC. The family loves the park, beach, walks on the trails and soccer. Milo will love all that!
SOLD – GREY COLLAR Male. This is the BATTEN family who has 2 other mini Pierce Schnoodles selecting their new baby, GIDEON a giant Pierce Schnoodle. This makes a total of 4 schnoodles for the Batten family. Gideon is a large male, beautiful brindle color and just a doll! He will be a great addition.
Jeff and I really enjoyed our visit with you all on Saturday. And we are very, VERY pleased with our choice of pup Gideon! He is a total doll baby and we so look forward to him becoming a member of our family. And it was a beautiful day for our trip. It’s going to be so much fun watching Gideon grow and see what color(s) he’ll be! Of course I’ve shared the pictures with my co-workers. Everyone in my office suite have dogs but four and there’s 13 of us in the suite. One co-worker has 3 schnauzers, one has a labradoodle, others have pugs and “regular” dogs. Give me a schnoodle any day! And thank you for Remington Steele and Randolph Scott. Randolph Scott will celebrate his 3rd birthday 8-14-19. He’s really beginning to be quite sweet. Starting to be quite demanding of my attention. Up ‘til now he’s never really had a lot to do with me and I figured he would turn out to be Jeff’s dog. But in the last 3 to 4 months his personality has been changing. I’ve been talking to my guys about Gideon coming to live with us, saying his name a lot, so it won’t be a foreign word to them.
Raquel had her babies! Raquel had 11 babies! 7 girls 4 boys on Friday 6-14. All our doing great! Females are available from this litter! Apply today to get a gorgeous giant schnoodle of your own!
Diana Barbour says
I want a little girl and filled out Application. What is the deposit and full adoption fee?
Renee Sweeley says
If I received your application I have responded to them all now.
The deposit is $250, cost of pup is $1600. Deposit goes toward
Diana Barbour says
Confused! Are they miniature or giant? Need only minature.