All of Shiloh’s puppies have been sold – thank you!
SOLD – Pink Collar Her name is Abby and she will be making her forever home with the Woodmansee family in NC. Being retired she will gets lots of time and attention. They like to garden, reading, walking and family time. This little girl will love her new life!
SOLD – Orange Collar Forever home is with the Brown family in NC. He will get all the time and attention. Family likes to golf so maybe a golf cart buddy! Family time and time with daughters Pierce Schnoodle will be fun!
SOLD – Blue Collar This pup is making its forever home with the Gardner family in va. His name is Angus. As an only pet or child he will get all the attention. The family loves to be outside, go to the family farm and the lake. This little guy will be perfect!
SOLD – Red Collar going to the Carter family in GA. A young man will have a great companion. He already pet sits and loves animals. The pups name is Joules. They have a bunny too! The family loves to hike, swim and relax at home. This pup will love all that fun and attention.
Shiloh had her pure parti schnoodle babies on her due date of 6/29/19! She had 6 beauties! 3 boys/3 girls. They are all doing great! Shiloh has been an excellent first time mom! Pups available from this litter! Apply today
and get a Pierce Parti Puppy!
Shiloh showing off her baby belly and liver parti markings. She is loving her box and awaiting babies.
Mary Jo says
Looking forward to seeing Shiloh/Zack puppies. Can hardly wait to select our puppy from this litter. Mary Jo
Laura says
I second what my mom, Mary Jo, said. I think between the two of us we are checking this website 50 times a day! Praying Shiloh’s delivery goes without incident. Laura
Mariann Weaver says
I would love to have one of these puppies I have been looking for one of these dogs for a very long time. And I also hope that Shiloh’s delivery goes well.
Denise Fischer says
Do you have any of the females available?
Debbie Niboli says
I’m very much looking for a female Schnoodle …. I’ve had 2 border terriers growing up …that I’ve loved very much … each lived to about 17 … they are family???????? after seeing the Schnoodle I fell in Love with the bred. I’ve got lots of love to give and would welcome a new little pup into our home…. please let me know what you have available … call me anytime .. 559-287-1495 Debbie Niboli. I live in Fresno California … but would travel to pick up…
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you again … and rest assured this dog would be well loved????????