All of Phoebe’s puppies have been sold, thank you!
Pink collar. She has a beautiful blaze and just loving and sweet.
Yellow collar. She has beautiful fur and loves to be held and cuddled.
Red collar. Sold to the White family in SC. This little girl is so cute and a little smaller than siblings. She is a sweetie!
Brown collar. This fella will be making his forever home with the Tsumas. He is a gift to mom but not a surprise. She is excited and waiting for her little new buddy to join her. Walks and time at the beach house will give this boy lots of fun!
Orange collar. This little girl will have her forever home with the Thompson family in NC. She is sweet and cuddly. Being retired and kids gone she will lots of love and attention.
Light blue collar. This handsome fella will make his forever home with the Anderson family in NC. He is sweet, calm and just a love.
Black collar. He will be making his forever home with the Barrick family of VA. His name is Rigley. He will be the center of attention. The family likes the beach, being outside and hanging with family. He will love it all!
12/18/2019 – Phoebe finally decided to share her little babies with us! She had 7 little beauties yesterday 12/18. She kept us waiting since 4 am to see how many we would be blessed with. Have not bothered them so do not know how many boys or girls in this litter. Phoebe is an excellent mom with such a sweet spirit. More soon with pics too!
Phoebe is hanging out (lounging) in her whelping box. She is quite big so lots of pups in there! Taking applications and deposits on this litter. Her due date is Saturday 12/14. Won’t be long now!
Kelly says
Who is the Father, and what color will Phoebe’s pups be?
Renee says
Dad is Zack (black/white parti)
Pups will be black with some white normally on chest, chin, etc.
Kelly says
Thank you! Do you have my application from earlier this year?
Micah Ford says
I submitted an application and if there would be any white/cream females, I would definitely be interested! Thank you!
Debbie Matzke says
When would they be ready to be picked up. Looking for a female. I could send Fean to visit Gary and Cindy and then bring the puppy back
Susan says
I lost my dog be three years ago. I am ready to get another , wondering if you have any available?
Shelly says
Please send pictures of the dad. Also what colors will the females be? Very interested in purchasing. Tks
Michelle says
I’m very interested in red collar! I haven’t received any correspondence since my application was approved and I’m eagerly awaiting for more information!
Kim says
Are either one of Phoebes females available still?
Lacy says
Are the red or pink collared girls still available?
Lacy says
I meant yellow and pink.
Yolaunda Wright says
Hello I am interested in a male puppy!! Can you plz let me know where you guys are and how much you guys cost plz and thanks.
Anna Sacks says
We picked up the little pink collar cutie back in March and named her Dasha. She’s an absolute joy, the most well behaved, and beloved by all. Thank you again! She may need a sibling sometime in the future 🙂