This is yellow collar and pink collar, spending some quality time together!

This pup is tagged pink collar. She is the runt of litter. We decided at 4 days when tail docking is done that we did not want to add that to her so she has a tail. She is small and just an outgoing loving personality. She is special and she knows it. She is just a little baby doll. She is such a sweetie and loves to be up on the lap and be held. What a cutie! She has been adopted to the McKenzie family of NC. Her name is Princess! She will be going home soon to her forever family. They have girls and a great home to love and play. She will love it!

This pup is tagged purple collar, she is a medium sized female. Sweet one! She has been adopted by the Skillman family of NC.

This pup is tagged green collar. She is smaller in size, but big in personality! Just a cutie! She is going to The Rodbell family of NC. Her name is Vivian!

This is pup is tagged yellow collar, she is a large female. She is going to The Kravchak family of VA!

This pup is tagged gray collar. He is a medium sized male. He is calm and super sweet. He went home with the Lynn Family of MD.

This pup is tagged red collar, he is a smaller male. He has stole my heart. He comes to ‘Red Fred’. He is just a doll!

This pup is tagged dark blue collar. He is a large male, so loving! Just a hunk! Going home to the Noel family of NC. His name is Guinesse!

Mid May update: Samantha’s pups discover mush! YUM!

Our gorgeous black Samantha gave birth to 7 beautiful Schnoodles on April 29th. A nice mix of boys and girls. Samantha has an awesome personality and is loving the experience of being a new mom. To have one of these babies of your own please apply here.

Carol Rodbell says
I Definitely want one of the girls with a croptail or doc tail
Betsy Gunnels says
Do you still have pink collar the little runt? We have a 9 yr. old giant snoodle Bo, who is just amazing. Since he was two, we have been doing Therapy Work in two schools twice a week, precovid we were in in nursing homes and rehab hospitals. The work is so rewarding. Recently we lost our 14 +year old Labradoodle to old age. They were the best of buddies. I would love to train another dog for therapy work. Wondering if you think your little pink collar would be a good choice? Happy 4th, Betsy