Love this male, he’s just a sweet one (but they all are!) He is tagged as brown collar. Such a handsome one! Weight is 20 lbs. Large, gentle and loving! This seriously handsome fella is so large and lovely. We are working on crate training, sitting and not jumping up. Such a smart fella! Has had all puppy shots and rabies, fresh bath and groom. We called him Isaac. He adopted to the Blackwell family of FL. With a large fenced yard, a cat and a French bulldog they will all run around. Beach trips, sport and family nights on the agenda, this pup will love it all!

Nothing better than the checkered flag! This female is tagged as green collar. I can see in her eyes how very smart she is! Sweet female. Weight is 18 lbs. Loves to cuddle, run and play. Just a sweetheart! Fresh bath and groom, she is so beautiful and sweet. Learning to sit and not jump up. Working on crate training. Just a sweetheart! All puppy shots and rabies. She was adopted by the Osbourne family of NC. This is their 2nd Pierce Giant Schnoodle so they will be buddies in no time. Fun stuff like music festivals, hiking and reading will pass the time.

This female is beautiful black and is tagged as Red Collar. Sweet, baby pup! This is the first one to come for attention and love! Just a loving, sweet, gentle girl! She is 20 pounds! This girl has gone home with the Anderson family of CO. Her name is Elka. She will be the little sister to Oscar, a berniedoodle (until she grows up)! Elka will learn to fly on adoption day – what an adventure!!

This handsome male is black, shiny, soft and loving. He is tagged as light blue collar. It was starting to get hot outside. This is the biggest of the available babies. Weighing in at 22 lbs. Such a love. He loves to be held (while you still can) and he is a gentle pup! He goes home with the Popovich family of VA. He will enjoy lots of sports and playtime! He is a big boy, so big fun! His name is Cody.

This is the smallest pup in Ingrids litter and is so sweet! She is tagged as purple collar.
Just a doll! Weight is 17 lbs. So soft, sweet and loving! Been to Vet – ready to go! She is going home with the Holmes family of MA. She will be the big sister to Orange Collar Nittany pup. Her name is Tilly and she has a lovely personality. She will join the family in their favorite thing – hiking! Beach time and walks too! Sounds like fun! Recently retired what is better than a giant and a mini Pierce Schnoodle? Everyone is getting along well and they were both great travelers.

This sweetie is a female. She is black, soft fur coat, loving and she is tagged as Orange collar. She goes home with the Melton-Stewart family of TX. Her name is Zoey. Just a sweet puppy and they are so happy!

This handsome male is all black with a few tiny white hairs on chest. Such a sweet boy. He is tagged as Navy collar. He is going home with the McClear family of VA. He will get all the time and love. No kids, no other pets – sounds perfect. His name is Sauce. Best part of a meal is the sauce!

This female is black and soft and cuddly. She is tagged as Pink collar. Just a sweet one! Her name is Porsche has adopted to the Grube family of NC. She will get all the time and attention and has a pool in the yard to cool off in!

This beautiful little girl just has the most gorgeous colorings and is tagged as yellow collar. The Foulke family from PA flew in to adopt Bwryn. Such an adorable pup who is gorgeous!

This pup is the new baby addition to the Weber/Mosley family of SC. She did not have her tail docked so we call her Ms. Tail. She is so confident, sweet and loving. Her name is Brigid. She is large and lovely.

Joshua loving playing with Ingrid’s pups!

Ingrids’ pups outside:

Ingrid’s girls:

Ingrid’s boys:

Yes there is a big pan of mush under there! Yum momma Renee. Can we get more?

Updated pictures: whole litter, boys on blue, girls on green!

Ingrid had her babies on 5/25/2023. She had 10 babies! All so cute and doing well.
Ingrid’s 3 boys:

Ingrid’s 7 girls! Wow!

Emma Melton says
Gorgeous babies!! Can’t wait to take our sweet girl home!
Melissa says
Awesomely cute ???? we are excited to meet our newest addition and welcome her to the family!
Renée says
So adorable…I’m looking forward to seeing more photos!
Jessica Reimer says
Hi! I got your name from Lisa Noel as we looking for a hypoallergenic dog and she said her dog is great. I am wondering if you still have puppies available?
Agaytha Baltzell says
I want the largest male you have as having already owned one of these gentle giants….I want another one and I love big, big , big dogs.
I would love to own a Wolfadoodle but can’t find a breeder in the US.