Greetings from COLORADO! Hope this finds you and yours doing well. Quick note to say KEVIN IS A ROCK STAR!! Such a BOY these photos don’t do compliment to his beautiful coat…curly, shiny, cream and apricot ..with dark apricot “boots” on his front legs….spa day next week.
He’s becoming an adolescent SO playful, kind, and very social….he is the favorite of our neighborhood …. And WOW can those long legs RUN!! We will be doing an agility class this summer…he’s gonna love that!
I’m guessing he was not the cute little favorite of that litter with those long legs and spunky attitude…but I will say that I was blessed he waited for me . I really believe that him being older (12Weeks) made a huge difference in how he so seamlessly became part of our family
Sending love…Phyllis and Kevin