Moses and Baer have become quite a pair. Love chasing squirrels together, walking on trails, checking out the creek.Those 2 seem to have an understanding with each other, no jealousy, Baer doesn’t over “annoy” and they have so many similar demeanors and traits. Doing super great and we love it. Moss is so affectionate and a great snuggler. We all love getting his affectionate “nibbles”!! We have gotten 2 horses recently and Moses is a great “barn dog”. He just hangs out with Landis and follows her wherever she goes. We get a double great welcome when we get home from Baer and Moses. While Moses is totally Landis’s dog, he’s still very affectionate with all of us. Loves going to Lowes hardware and getting “pup cups” from Starbucks. He sleeps with Landis every night on her bed. – The Huckabee Family