Sasha pups enjoying outside time in the shade.

Trying to get them down the steps to deck. ‘Mr Boots’ was first!

First venture outside! What fun! What is all this green stuff?!

Outside adventure time!

SOLD: This male is tagged as grey collar. He is sweet and loving. Beautiful black fur with large white blaze and chin, neck and chest! 4 white tipped feet. Just so handsome! This guy is chilled, handsome and loving! Showing off the white blaze. Just lovely! Loves kids, humans anybody! He is now being crate trained and working on housebreaking. He is such a sweet boy! He got a little Schnoodle cut and is doing great. Crate trained, basically house broken and just a super happy, loving pup!
All the hard work is done. 17 weeks old. Has had all shots and is ready for his forever home! Inquire today. He is a happy, sweet loving boy.

SOLD: This male is so lovely and is tagged as blue collar! Beautiful black with a lot of white to offset. Great long socks (more like boots!) large white chest blaze and white on chin. Rear white tipped feet. Just a doll! This guy Renee calls Mr. Boots. He is a doll. Loves to be with us, confident, sweet and playful. So very smart!

SOLD: This handsome male is tagged as red collar. He is especially gorgeous due to the black/apricot & white blaze on chest. This handsome fella is the largest in the litter. But only by 1 lb. He is loving, playful and just so handsome! Love the markings!

SOLD: This male pup is tagged as purple collar. So beautiful with shiny black coat with white tipped feet and a bit of white on the chin. This fella is very attentive, sweet and loves to be held. Beautiful black fur with white markings. A great fur baby! He went home with the Mudrock family of DE as his forever home. His name is Marley! Being home all the time he will get all the love and attention! His best buddy is just a short distance away and is a female schnoodle named Rosie. She is part of the Petra family. She visits often and they met at adoption and will be best buds!

SOLD: This male is tagged as brown collar. His name is ‘Crosby’. He is so handsome with black/apricot and small white blaze on chest and small white tips on 2 feet. He seems a bit calmer than the others and very loving. His forever home is with the Teves family of NC. With no kids or pets he will get 100% of the time and attention. He will get to go hiking, trips and travel and even help with gardening! He will love it all! Crosby goes home with his forever family. He was very happy to see his new human momma. He is so interactive and will be a great companion.

SOLD: Sasha’s female has found a forever home with the Balaska family of NY. She is a cutie! She is a doll! Chilled kind of personality and loving! They are counting the days until they get her home!

Playpen to play in. Room to roam now!

Up and moving!

Black/apricot/white boys:

Black and white boys:

Sasha’s female:

Growing and gorgeous! Eating very well! Fat belly’s!

They have gorgeous colorings! Just lovely!

Sweet Sasha girl, such. proud mama!!

Pups checked out, nails clipped, box clean… time for a nap!

Sasha gave birth to 6 gorgeous babies on May 1st! All are doing great! 5 boys/1 girl. The markings are totally gorgeous. Apply today for one of the beautiful pups!

In her box, awaiting babies!! Apply today to get a Sasha pup!

Nancy Wilder says
We are the Wilders from Raleigh. We are very interested in a female mini schnoodle. We sadly lost our 17.5 year old schnoodle a few months ago. I completed an application and looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you
Renee M SWEELEY says
I sent your application approval on 5/12. I will resend and
hopefully connect with you.
Joseph Lombardi says
We were blessed to be our precious Theodore aka Teddy’s people for 15 + years when he finally passed. He was black with a bit of white on one paw on which the nails on that paw were white too. He had the most soulful brown eyes & the sweetest disposition. It was said of him “He loved & wanted to be loved.” He was loved very much & we miss him and are grateful for all the happy memories we have of him. We long to provide a happy & loving home to another black male though we understand they’ll never be another Teddy as each of them are one of a kind.
Renee M SWEELEY says
So sorry about your loss. You cannot replace but a new fur baby does help the heart to heal.
If you have not please submit an application via the site so I can respond to you.
Thank you