They are super coats and just awesome pups! They have all found their forever families!
Purple collar female goes home with the Kerrigan family of FL. She will enjoy their other Pierce Mini Schnoodle as a forever buddy! Her name is Darcy. Such a sweet one!

Eden’s beautiful little female supercoat!

These 2 little males are supercoat baby boys. Sweet ones!

The rare tri-color super coat male!

Tired after photos!

Supercoat males! – 1 tri-color. Just so handsome!

Eden’s female, she is a little doll!

Eden gave birth early Sat 8/24 to 4 beautiful babies. 3 boys 1 little girl. Better pics coming! Vet checked and all good. Eden is such a great momma!

Angela (Angie) Edwards says
Hello – Please let me know about any pups you may have coming up. We have loved our schnoodle babies and would love to add to our family.