Hello Renee,
You might not remember us, but we adopted a pup from you almost 14 years ago (March 2011). Coco was the runt from Brittany and Chatham’s (sp?) litter.
Our sweet boy is alive, but we have seen him age in the past year. Still,he has a great apetite and adores humans. His playtime has diminished although he enjoys his toys. When we adopted Coco, we had no kids. Now we have two boys, plus Coco, which makes for a very active household.
I am extremely thankful that we found you. I saw a few recent posts from your Instagram account that made me go back and look at your website. Your care, attention, and determination that adoptive humans continue giving the same care is probably what drawn me to you in the first place.
Anyway, I just wanted to share a picture of our sweet Coco from this past Christmas.
Wishing you a happy new year!
Becky and Rey

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