All of Leah’s puppies have been sold, thank you!
SOLD – PURPLE COLLAR Dzamko family of FL. She is a beauty! This little girl is basically black, few white hairs on chin and a small little white blaze on her chest. Just a sweetie.
SOLD – RED COLLAR on the red throw. This guy is so handsome! Few white hairs on chin, small white blaze on chest. He has a great personality too!
SOLD – NAVY COLLAR and he is the new baby that will be going to the HOWLEY family in NC. They are a family of 4 with kids that will help with the responsibility of a new pup. The family loves board games, outdoor trails, entertaining family and friends. He is surely going to enjoy his new forever home.
Leah and Penny’s pup at vet visit. After exams and shots it is time for lots of love. We love our vet Dr. Holly Weston and her team at Jordan Lake Animal Hospital.
Leah’s mini schnoodles. Black and beautiful – most have white blazes.
So sweet! As of today – 1 female and 2 males available. Apply today.
Tamara says
They are adorable!!
How many of these guys are boys?
& Do they have any markings?
Tina MB says
Sooo cute. Does Leah’s girls have any markings?
Li bonanni says
How big to the mini Schneider’s get? And the giant? And I don’t see your prices here.
Leah’s pups are adorable. Wonder when she will have another litter
Bettylou Guastamachio says
Are there any black male pups available? If so do they have any other markings. I am looking for a schnoodle to play with my son’s
cavapoo. I live alone and lost my dog several months ago and my home needs a dog to love and spoil.I own my own home and have an invisible fence installed. I am very interested in your pups because all the comments are so positive you must be the best. My phone number is (860)289-1104