Their birth date is 8/10/20.
Pink collar female. She is going to be the newest member of the Leder Family of VA. With older kids they will help spoil this pup! Walking and going on the boat will keep this little girl busy. Her name is Ava, and she went home with the Leder family of VA. They are so excited for their new little addition!
Light blue collar male. This is Tucker he is the new addition to the McIntosh family from NC. With 3 little masters he will be well loved with lots of attention. The family loves to be home and playing outside. He will enjoy it all.
Yellow collar female. This is the little female (runt of the litter) and is just a totally doll puppy! She is the new baby to the Minnella family in Chapel Hill. They are having so much fun preparing for Bella. Working in the home she will get some visitors and be the popular one for sure!! The Minnella family is over the top excited to be getting Bella. She is be Super loved and spoiled!
Red collar male. This handsome fella is the parti male in the litter. He is the newest addition to the Gardner family of VA. They have been on the list waiting for a Pierce Schnoodle puppy so totally excited! The daughter already owns a Pierce Schnoodle but they need one of their own! They own another schnoodle so they will be best buddies in no time! They enjoy outside time, boat rides and trips to the family farm. All will be enjoyed by this guy!
Purple collar female. Her name is Olive and is the newest member of the Duronio family of NC. This is their 2nd Pierce Mini Schnoodle. The first one, Sadie is 14.5 years old! She will have a little baby sister. The family enjoys outside time and walks in the neighborhood.
The Girls
The Boys
First change out of the whelping box and start of mush and potty. At about 4 weeks or so we remove the whelping box. Replace it with a crate for all to climb into. Paper the playpen. About 1-2 weeks we shrink the paper and they just potty on paper! Schnoodles are so very smart! Next move will be to the sun porch, bigger playpen and outside visits. We want our pups to have a great start for their forever families and housebreaking.
Brooke Boone says
Do you have any schnoodle pups available at this time?
Jodi Eckerman says
Do you have any mini schnoodle pup available?
Kelly says
Do you ever have 1-2 year old schnoodles for adoption?
Jan O'Meara says
Have you sold all the females in Lydia’s litter?
Dee Yohe says
Do you have schnoodles available
Paula Testa says
Are any of these puppies available?
dylan says
are they still up to adopte
Debi Vallejo says
I am wanting a female black mini schnoodle do you have any available? What is your price and location are they health guaranteed.
Thank you ????
Mary McWaters says
Hi, We would love to have a female mini Schnoodle if you have any available. Thank you, Mary McWaters
Giovanni Mack says
I would like to adopt one of your female Schnoodles please.
David says
Would love to know about pricing for a mini female?
Have a blessed day!
Faith H says
Do you have any black or black and whit mini schnoodle currently available? I just lost my 12 year old female and am very sad. She was a gem. I love the breed.