Rikka goes to a new home for retirement fun and relaxing and being the 'one and only'. That is what I always want for my retired mothers. Her and the Parrish family bonded quickly and Rikka was ready …
Nittany’s Summer 2013 Litter
A N N O U N C E M E N T :: Nittany had 7 puppies July 5th! 3 girls & 4 boys. A V A I L A B L E :: 1 boy The only 1 left not sold is little red collar. I have named him Spike! He is totally …
Delilah’s Summer 2013 litter
A N N O U N C E M E N T :: Delilah had 8 beautiful giant schnoodle babies. 2 girls - 6 boys! Here are the fabulous 4 hanging out with their mom Delilah. A D O P T E D :: Please check our …
Tassie Retiring
Tassie is sold to the Ruckart family in NC and will be adopting out soon. She will be the new babe in the house and will totally adore all the time and attention she will get in retirement. …
Rikka’s Puppies
All puppies from this litter have sold, thank you! Please check our Facebook page for going home pictures. Rikka's mini-schnoodle female baby with a GREEN COLLAR. Her name is Ellie and she will …
Easter Festivities
Grand nieces having puppy play time over Easter holiday. They are so adorable! The girls I mean:) Even Mom gets a pup to love! Plenty to go around. Easter egg hunt - Jolie is …
Rikka’s New Spring Litter
Rikka gave birth to 7 beautiful black shiny mini-schnoodles on March 20th!. Kasey is our proud papa. Mom and all of her pups are doing just great. There are 5 girls and 2 boys. These puppies are …
Tassie’s puppies
1. This is the larger (slightly) male of Tassie's mini-schnoodles. He is going home with the Wiilson family! The Wiilsons are from NC. The 2 boys are so excited about a new puppy joining the family. …
Tassie’s new Spring pups
Tassie gave birth to 5 mini schnoodles on Friday evening the 8th of March, 2013. Kasey is the proud dad (his first stud experience) and the colorings are so wonderful! Each puppy has some apricot …
The Giants went to the groomers
Our resident giant schnoodle parents went to the groomers and came home camera ready! Take a peek at Sampson & Delilah... …