Renee, Annie has stolen our hearts! She is such a joy! Very smart and so funny! Asyou can see from the picture, she is pretty relaxed! And she is a jumper! Icannot believe how high she can …
Oakley Comes to Board!
Oakley (adopted male of Eden’s litter) came into board. He is doing so good! Just a little man. Got a summer groom while boarding. He is a love! …
Jasmine’s 2nd Birthday
Can you believe it's Jasmines 2nd birthday already!!!! My baby girl is our whole life....we love her sooooo much. She is soooo smart and sooo loveable. She's my lil love bug...and soooo spoiled. Lol. …
Dash Johnson Update
Some pictures of Dash living his best life at the lake. He is an Esther baby! …
Bailey Thomas Update
Today is Bailey’s 1st birthday (Queen Sheba Aug 22)! She has brought much joy to my life, flying with me on trips and now has become my first mate while kayaking! …
Cammie Update
Hello, I wanted to send an update on Cammie (purple collar Ingrid & Moses April 2022). She is doing well. We all adore her. She loves being with us - in the car, in the yard, in whatever room …
Annie Edmunds Update
Annie's first hair cut! She is doing so well! She is not very big, about 8 lbs. Lovely disposition!She is so sweet! We are very happy with her! I think she loves us too! Elizabeth Edmunds …
Lulu Update
Lulu was born on Labor Day 2007 to Jasmine and Nicki.She has worked most of her life as an AKC-certified therapy dog, volunteering in nursing homes and hospice facilities. At home Lulu is …
MacLaughlin Update
One of the Pierce Schnoodles owned by the MacLaughlin family. He believes he is a lap puppy! …
Nittany’s June 2023 Litter
This little girl is tagged as purple collar. She is a cutie! She has 1 white foot and a white blaze. What a beautiful pup! She is a sweetie. Loves to run, play and snuggle. This is a …