February 2024 – Esther, RuthAnn & Eden! Sweet girls!!

2022 – No mommy I did not tear up that paper, not ME!!

December 2021 – Our beautiful tri-color super coat Eden. She is exceptional! She will begin producing super coat mini-Schnoodles in 2022. Can’t wait to see them. She has a super sweet calm personality. Such a love and is a favorite at the Pierce Schnoodles home!

12-27-2021 – The super coated super girls! They are both exceptional!

November 2021 – Eden at office with Renee. LOVE the schnauzer frog leg stretch!

Pictures do not do this girl justice! She has Renee’s heart!

Eden & RuthAnn: Growing! These 2 super coat babies of Lydias and isaacs are the best quality Pierce Schnoodles has ever produced! Their personalities are super sweet from mom and dad. Just exceptional. They will have exceptional super coated Schnoodles in the future.

This is the Lydia super coat mini schnauzer that is now part of the Pierce Schnoodle family. She is actually considered a tri-color which is rare and so cool! Her name is Eden. Watch her grow with us.