We breed pups, in part, for the joy they bring to people. Pets have been proven to help families and individuals live a longer, healthier, and happier life.
When we adopt out a Schnoodle pup, we want to ensure that the pup will be loved by the family or individual, and that the pup will be kept safe, healthy, and happy for the duration of its life.
We always do our best to match each puppy with a family that best suits it…and vice versa. We typically correspond by email and many times speak personally with potential families prior to placing a pup in their home. We want to feel confident on Adoption Day that we have made a good choice for the pup who has had no “say” in the decision.
Adoption Fees:
Non refundable deposits for all minis is $100
Airport adoption fee is $150
If the pup is not picked up within the provided adoption date range for that litter there a $20 daily fee added to adoption fee. This is important because housebreaking and training take part in the early part of a puppy’s development and it is imperative that the pup needs to be in their forever homes and settled to start successful training.
All of our puppies are provided with a one-year health guarantee and a veterinarian’s health certificate, have been examined by a veterinarian, and have received their first set of puppy shots. Renee administers the de-worming medicine when the pups are old enough.
Each puppy receives a “Puppy Pack” which has helpful information for the new owners and some toys and chews. A special “blankie” is included which has the scent of the mama and litter-mates; this helps reduce any separation anxiety during the first few days.
A puppy pack includes:
- Samples of Life Abundance treats
- Sample of Life Abundance shampoo
- Chew for teething
- Toy that has been with your puppy and their littermates.
- New toy for your puppy
- Various documents to help you get started with your puppy
- Information packet full of excellent tips and resources
- Life Abundance product catalog
- A special “blankie” which has the scent of the mama and littermates; this helps reduce any separation anxiety during the first few days. Try not to wash the blankie until necessary
We have searched and done extensive research regarding dog food. When you go into the stores it can be very confusing as to what to buy. We have teamed up with an all natural, healthy pet food manufacturer called LIFE ABUNDANCE. They are small, make their food in small batches, do not stock on shelves, ship fresh made and the dogs love it! All our dogs and pups are on LIFE ABUNDANCE. So since your pup is on this food we require that you purchase the food before taking your puppy home through our website. If you purchase it from some other source it is not guaranteed fresh. I will be notified when you purchase. It will be delivered to your door. It is important to keep your new puppy on the same food when adopting to avoid any stomach upset.
We believe you will find the dog food exceptionally healthy and their other products to be a great quality and continue using these products for years to come. This food is not sold in retail stores. To place your order for your puppy food prior to adoption go the Life Abundance link on our site or click here: https://www.pierceschnoodles.com/lifes-abundance. That will take you directly to our website with Life Abundance. Take a look at all the products, but the “All Life Stages Healthy Start Pack” gives you what you need to get started. It comes in a small or large pack option.
Our dogs love the healthy treats; I really like the shampoo too! The all natural biodegradable floor cleaner is super for a new pup. It cleans up nice and smells great. Please check out the whole website as there is great information and you will learn about the company and their mission and how they are helping the less fortunate pets.
The Adoption Process
At this time, our adoption process is rather informal. We continue to adjust our process as we learn and as unique situations arise. However, we typically carry out the following steps:
- We maintain a list of approved applications that we have received through this web site. Names are on the list in the order in which they were received. When we confirm that a litter of pups are due, we require that interested families send us an email to confirm their intent to purchase a puppy. At this time, we require a $100 non-refundable deposit to hold a mini schnoodle puppy.
- We maintain email communication with each prospective family—sending updates and pictures as the puppy changes and grows. We want each adopting family to feel like they are a part of the “growing up” process. Meanwhile, the families prepare their home for the arrival of their new baby.
- We determine the date of adoption. Typically, we set aside several days to meet the families and introduce them to their puppies, going over information provided in their puppy packet, and letting the families get to know their pups. When everyone seems comfortable, the families take their new pups home with them.
- All deposits are non-refundable. If you determine you cannot adopt when a puppy is available you can roll to a future litter. Pierce Schnoodles will roll your deposit for up to a year from receipt. At that time, if you still have not accepted a puppy your deposit is forfeited and to get back on a litter list, a new deposit will be required.
For us, Adoption Day is usually a day of mixed emotions, full of joy and sadness. Knowing that each pup has gone home with an attentive, caring family helps ease the sense of loss. It is always very quiet that night, and we make sure that “mom” always gets special treats, time, attention, and love.
Applying for a Puppy
We review all applications to determine whether families are eligible; eligibility depends on:
- Location of the family and whether or not it is feasible for them to obtain and transport one of our pups.
- The time frame in which the family desires to adopt a pup in light of our litter schedules.
- Whether the family has children and the ages of those children.
- Whether the family has other pets.
- Previous experiences with puppies or dogs.
- The family’s ideas on training.
- What the family expects in a puppy.
- Why the family desires a Schnoodle (rather than other breeds).
- Any preference for gender and color of puppy.
Before You Adopt
Prior to Adoption Day, we expect prospective families to prepare for the arrival of their new puppy. Here are some tips to make your puppy’s big day go smoothly.
1. Shop in Advance
Shopping for pet supplies the day you bring home your new pup is not acceptable. Keep in mind that your new puppy is going to need time and a quiet, peaceful environment in which to adapt to a new area, new smells, and new people.
2. Schedule a Vet Appointment
Before Adoption Day, select a vet that you trust. If you don’t know where to begin, ask other dog-owners for a recommendation. Once you’ve selected a vet, make an appointment for your new pup. We want our new families to have assurance from their vet as to the health of the new puppy.
3. Travel Smart
If you’re traveling by air, we require that your flight take no longer than two hours. You must use an
airline-approved carrier, ticketed as carry-on luggage. (The correct carrier fits nicely underneath the seat.) Normally, a pup will sleep through the entire trip. If you’re traveling by car, use a puppy carrier or small crate; both work well for the safety and security of the pup.
When picking up your newest family member we always try to accommodate everyone’s schedule. Airport adoptions have scheduling priority. And, we do not do adoptions on Sundays.
The First Few Days
Ease the Transition
Upon arrival at your home, your new pup should be offered water, should be given the opportunity to potty outside, and should then be introduced to his or her designated personal space. This is the place your new pup will associate with safety, security, peace, and quiet. Ideally, this place should be away from the hustle and bustle of the household. We support crate training; a crate serves as a safe, secure “home” for your new puppy.
We supply toys and a special blankie that has the scent of mama and the litter-mates. This blankie, when placed in the puppy bed, can help your new pup to feel at home more quickly and can reduce any separation anxiety.

Supply Toys
Toys are a must. Start with smaller toys that are made especially for puppies (not children). Offer just a few at first; giving the pup too many toys can add to a feeling of being overwhelmed.
Begin to Learn Your Pup’s “Language”
From the time you bring your pup home, it is important to begin learning how to “read” your puppy. Does the puppy want to sleep? Play? Go outside? Eat? Keep monitoring the puppy closely, especially for the first week or so, to ensure a smooth adjustment. Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions.
Provide a Safe Environment
The first few days with your pup is a lot like bringing home a newborn baby. Remember, this is not the time to take the puppy everywhere, invite all your friends and neighbors over, or otherwise overwhelm the puppy. It is important that a puppy be given a chance to adjust to a new home before experiencing the rest of the world.
If you’ve ever had a new pup, you know that, for some puppies, the first few nights can be difficult. Your new pup may whimper or cry; typically, the crying only lasts for a short time before the pup tires and falls asleep. If the crying persists, it is okay to hold and reassure the pup.
Get Started with Housebreaking
Renee makes a diligent effort to begin the housebreaking process, transitioning the pups through several phases of living quarters in an effort to enhance housebreaking success. Typically our pups understand the word “outside” when they are taken to their new homes, and this definitely helps owners get off to a great start with housebreaking their new pup. We have had excellent results and praise from our pup owners in this area.
On occasion, a puppy may urinate during the night or in the early morning, since puppies at seven weeks of age typically can’t hold it for six to eight hours at a time. It is extremely important that the first person to wake in the household immediately pick up the puppy and take him or her outdoors.
Once outside, the puppy must be allowed to complete his or her “potty duties” prior to playing or participating in any other outdoor activities. Immediately following the pup’s trip outdoors, PRAISE the puppy. Everyone in the family should make a habit of praising the puppy. Your pup will quickly learn which behaviors earn “kind, loving, praise words” and which behaviors don’t. To a puppy, praise is even better than a treat!
The pup should be taken outdoors several times a day–after eating, playing, and sleeping. If the pup is not being monitored, he or she should be in a crate or some other confined area to discourage any accidents.
Supply the Right Food
On Adoption Day, we provide a supply of Life’s Abundance food as part of your puppy packet. You are free to choose the food that you wish to feed your puppy on an ongoing basis, but remember that you’ll want to transition from one food to another gradually. During the first few days, feed Life’s Abundance food. Slowly add the dry food of your choice. After a week or so, your puppy should be eating the new food without any problems.
At NO TIME should a puppy be given anything other than puppy food. If desired, you may offer a small amount of canned puppy food or puppy treats. No milk or “human food” should ever be given to a puppy. (Doing so is like asking for an upset tummy…and all the issues that go along with it!) A high-quality puppy food has all the essential ingredients that your puppy needs for nourishment, proper development, and growth.
See the Vet
We request that within the first few days, you see a licensed veterinarian for a “Puppy Check Up” appointment. If any questions or concerns arise, we ask to be contacted immediately.
By the time you come to pick up your new puppy, he or she will have already received the first set of puppy vaccines. However, subsequent puppy vaccinations should be scheduled with your vet in the recommended time frame. You’ll also want to discuss with your veterinarian the recommended age for spaying or neutering. (Note: spaying or neutering is required, per the agreement all owners sign on Adoption Day.)
The First Few Weeks
Establish a Routine
As the days go by, it is very important to set up a routine—and stick to it. Dogs are creatures of habit, learning best through repetition. If a schedule is developed and adhered to, training and housebreaking your pup will be much easier. One part of the schedule that is a MUST: Always remember to take the puppy outside immediately after eating, play time, and sleep.
Make Time for Quality Time
Spending quality time with your puppy is important. Remember not to “wear out” a young pup with too much play time. Also, make sure that your pup is allowed to have quiet time as well. Parents of young children need to limit the amount of time that children can play with the puppy, at least until the pup is older.
Sign Up for Obedience School
At approximately four months of age, the pup is ready for basic obedience training. Spend some time in advance looking into the many options and facilities that are available to you. You can choose from individual or group training, and public or private sessions. Your vet may also be able to give you some recommendations. Be aware that you will be receiving training, as well as the pup. That’s why an adult should always attend training sessions, even if the pup belongs to the child in the family.
Having a well-behaved, obedient dog is its own reward. Again, a schedule and routine is important. Typically obedience classes will be held once or twice a week and often include “homework.” It is easy to tell which pup has been “practicing” during the week. Sometimes, it can be hard to work obedience training into our schedules, but it is well worth the time and effort. Schnoodles are so smart! Many times they are the smartest ones in the class!
Make Discipline a Positive Experience
The Schnoodle loves to please and simply beams when praised. Training can be fun because Schnoodles love new challenges! You’ll be amazed at your pup’s eagerness to learn new things—learning to sit, lay down, drop it, leave it, and chasing/fetching a toy, ball, or Frisbee. Add one at a time, mixing new games with games your pup already knows well. When he does not immediately learn something new, come back to it at a later date and try again. Your pup wants to please you and will try hard to do so. Your praise for a correct behavior is one of the most powerful motivators for your pup. Of course, treats work wonders, too!
Remember that you should NEVER hit, slap, or otherwise physically injure a puppy in an effort to discipline him. Such treatment does nothing more than cause a pup to cower and act fearfully, often resulting in life-long emotional scarring of the dog. Positive reinforcement of correct behavior is always a more productive form of discipline.
Enjoy the Human-Animal Bond
Your new puppy will provide many years of unconditional love to you and your family. He desires to be a member of your family, not just “the dog.” If you’re willing to invest the time, effort, patience, and attention that it takes to raise a puppy well, you will be rewarded many times over!
If you have any other questions that are not covered in our mini schnoodle puppy adoption information above, please contact us.