February 2024 – Esther, RuthAnn & Eden! Sweet girls!!

12-27-2021 – RuthAnn is sister to Eden. Same awesome personality, super sweet, a little submissive to sister, but when separated the same exceptional manner and loving nature. She will also begin producing super coat mini Schnoodles in 2022. The girls do everything together so will cycle and breed together as well. Future breedings will be with Levi (red poodle) and the color will be awesome! Can’t wait to see that!

12-27-2021 – The super coated super girls! They are both exceptional!

Our beautiful RuthAnn is a liver super coat! She is sweet, soft and loving! Pictures do not do justice to her beautiful coat and markings. She will produce beautiful super coat Schnoodles in the future.

Eden & RuthAnn: Growing! These 2 super coat babies of Lydias and isaacs are the best quality Pierce Schnoodles has ever produced! Their personalities are super sweet from mom and dad. Just exceptional. They will have exceptional super coated Schnoodles in the future.

This female is a beautiful liver mix with various colorings. She is now part of the Pierce Schnoodle family. Renee is naming her RuthAnn.