Tinker Martin giant of Raquel's who is 6 Mos old let Isaac crawl all over, pull his hair and ears. They loved each other! …
Boomer Humphries Update
Giant pup update pics so long and lean - cute hat pic! This is Boomer Humphries from Raquel's first litter. …
Boomer Humphries Update
This is Boomer Humphries - one of Raquel's giants from her first litter. …
Ginger & the Giants
Jacob of course is my giant schnoodle 'son' and Ginger the last pup to be adopted in Leah's litter both at office with me getting a drink together. Truly the big and little! Tinker Martin in …
Mazie Melton Update
Renee, Our first 30 days have been such a joy and I figured I would update you. Mazie has not messed in her crate at night – ever – not even on her first night. She’s getting the hang of training …
Raquel’s February 2017 Litter
As the pups grow the fur, colorings, personalities have all begun to show. These pups are truly exceptional and the camera does not do them justice. Their fur is thick and soft and you just can’t …